Le Bonne Vie

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Dave and I went to a Ducks game tonight. While I am not a huge hockey fan, in fact I can’t recall the last time I watched a hockey game on TV, I really do love going to hockey games. Top 5 reasons I love hockey games:
5. Warm Clothes: If I can wear warm snuggly clothes, especially my UGGS, I am quite happy
4.  The Flying V: How can I not proudly support my home team that was created after a Disney movie? I cross my fingers every game I go to that maybe one day one of my Disney fantasies will come true and I will witness a Flying V
3.  The Food: I love eating really terrible food for you at sporting events, anytime I can get my hands on some neon orange fake cheese covering possibly stale round tortilla chips, I am a happy camper
2. It is Fast: Hockey is such a fast passed game, that keeps me intrigued the entire time
1. The Fights: I L.O.V.E. love hockey fights, all professional sports should really consider allowing players to fight
During tonight’s game it was very important for me to get some nachos, I had been thinking about them all week long. Two minutes before the end of the second period, Dave suggested we go grab some before the lines get long. When we came back the people sitting in front of us, warned me not to put my purse down because I might get blood on it. They further explained that the guy sitting next to us was hit with the hockey puck. I had seen a man bleeding and being wheeled off in a wheel chair when I walked back, but didn’t put it together that it was the guy sitting next to me. Had I had been sitting there and the man hadn’t been looking at his phone I could have been the hockey injury of the night. The moral of the story is Nachos save lives!