Le Bonne Vie

Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29th

A Year From Today I Will Be Marrying.....

This Handsome Gentleman

 At This Beautiful Place

I couldn't be more excited!

Start The Countdown til The Braylord Wedding!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Clear Eyes, Open Hearts, Can't Lose

After a long day working last Sunday (I know working Sunday, can you believe it?), I decided to relax on the couch and watch some TV. The guys were at a friend's house watching football, which allowed me free range of the remote. After flipping through channels for awhile I found myself watching the Emmy's. I am not a "I have to watch the (insert award show name here)," kinda girl, but they can be entertaining. I thought the portions of the show that I caught were enjoyable; Amy Poehler standing on stage when her name was listed for Best Lead Actress in a Comedy Series, which then lead all the other nominees to follow, The Lonely Island Boys musical number, and Jane Lynch's joke about why she is a lesbian... the men of Entorage . But what really made me so thrilled that I watched the Emmy's was watching Kyle Chandler win the Emmy for Best Lead Actor in  Drama Series, for the role of Coach Eric Taylor he played in Friday Night Lights. I don't think I can find the words to describe how wonderful the show was. I felt as if the characters were part of my family. I would route for the Panther's and then later on the Lions, laugh at Landry's dry sense of humor, agree with Tammy on so many levels, yell and Julie to shape up, I even cried when Tyra was reading her college application letter, longed for Coach Taylor to be my coach, in no sport in particular, maybe just in life, but most of all wanted to save and secretely wanted to date (I am pretty sure Dave already know's this) Tim Riggins. Oh, how I loved Tim Riggins! I have mourned the shows ending just as I did when Arrested Developement ended. It is a nice feeling of accomplishment to know that the show was recognized with two Emmy's and would have been absolutely complete if Tammy had won also! If you have not watched this show I highly, I repeat HIGHLY, recommend you watch it. In fact if you have Nextflix streaming you have no excuse not to as the first four seasons are streamming and I am sure the last one will be streamming soon!

Clear Eyes, Open Hearts, Can't Lose!

Photo Courtesy of nydailynews.com

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We'll Never Forget

Today marks the 10th anniversary of September 11th. Many of us will remember and honor this day in different ways, feel different emotions, and hope for different outcomes for those of us effected by 9/11. While watching football today with Dave (apparently our new Sunday past time), I watched this commerical (posted below) from State Farm. While I like to think the intentions behind the commerical are to remember 9/11 and honor those who strived to save innocent lives, not to profit from the horrible event. Never the less, the commerical lead me to tears. I would like to remember today by honoring our everyday heros (like my brother Sean and my friend Ross) who selflessly work to save the lives of others as well as remember the lives that were lost that infamous day.

I will never forget!

Empire State of Mind

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summer Sun and Labor Day Fun!

I just spent some time reminiscing over the last few weeks of summer and the fun that I have had since I have been home and was reminded how much I love living in Orange County! I can’t think of any other place where you can roast marshmallows at a bonfire, watch a world class surf competition (featuring the incredible and gorgeous Kelly Slater), root on the Angel’s, be mesmerized by fireworks on a Friday night, cheer on my little brother as an impressive goalie, Golden’s driving VW buses, big pizza, beach cruisin’ and boatin’ fun, and to top it off a rooftop concert with California sunset as a spotlight. I love my home!