Le Bonne Vie

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We'll Never Forget

Today marks the 10th anniversary of September 11th. Many of us will remember and honor this day in different ways, feel different emotions, and hope for different outcomes for those of us effected by 9/11. While watching football today with Dave (apparently our new Sunday past time), I watched this commerical (posted below) from State Farm. While I like to think the intentions behind the commerical are to remember 9/11 and honor those who strived to save innocent lives, not to profit from the horrible event. Never the less, the commerical lead me to tears. I would like to remember today by honoring our everyday heros (like my brother Sean and my friend Ross) who selflessly work to save the lives of others as well as remember the lives that were lost that infamous day.

I will never forget!

Empire State of Mind

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