Le Bonne Vie

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Absence makes...

My brothers and I enjoyed watching movies together growing up. While it wasn’t easy trying to convince them to watch Cinderella or Lady and the Tramp (my two favorite Disney movies when I was little… until Little Mermaid came out of course!). We did usually settle on Robin Hood. I assume they chose it for the sword fighting and the thrill you get when Robin Hood and Little John out smart Prince John. I however watched it for the story between Maid Marian and Robin Hood. While I haven’t seen the movie since I have owned a VHS player and then some; the scene where Maid Marion and her nurse Lady Cluck are talking about Robin Hood resonates in my mind because of the line said by Lady Cluck to Maid Marian “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” I guess somehow I knew as a little girl I would one day understand that line!
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
Missing you!

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