Le Bonne Vie

Friday, July 15, 2011

Le Festival D’Art Cannes Pryotechnique

 One of my favorite things are fireworks! When I see them I am instantly brought back to my childhood, watching them on the 4th of July sitting on the seawall on Balboa Island, with my family. A tradition I have been feverously trying to save over the last few years much to the discontent of my friends who are forced to join me, which can be quite an event after a few adult beverages on beach cruisers. Nevertheless, while I would be missing the 4th this year, much to my dismay, I discovered that I would be celebrating Bastille Day with Festival D’Art Cannes Pryotechnique (a Firework show over the harbor in Cannes). I left my apartment at a quarter past 9:00 and followed the direction of the crowds to the sea. I found a nice flat rock on the jetty and waited patiently for the firework show to start shortly after 10:00pm, this is when it finally gets dark in Cannes. The show was quite spectacular and ended with cruise ships and yachts bellowing their horns across the harbor. Such a memorable sight and sound! Bastille day almost made up for missing the 4th, as it would have been perfect to share it with the ones I love.

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