Le Bonne Vie

Thursday, July 7, 2011


As promised I have more photos to share of the beautiful city that I am in. Cannes in unlike any city I imagined. It has the old charm of a French city, with cobblestone streets that follow tall French buildings up and down windy hills. On the first story of each building you will find one of two things, a shop in which to purchase trinkets or fine goods or you may find a place to eat, either a cafe or a restaurant. You will find people eating on small tables set up outside enjoying the view and watching people pass by. The remaining few stories of the buildings are homes or hotels nestled between one another. Once you reach the heart of Cannes known as the Centre Croisette, you will find lavish buildings filled with elegant hotels and high end fashion and couture shops (very Parisian!). It is the perfect combination of old verse new. To top it off I have barely made a dent in all that I have to see here!

* On a side note, a fiew of you have inquired about the photo of me in the bathtub, that was taken by my amazing fiance Dave in Cozumel, Mexico, unfortunately not in Cannes!

1 comment:

  1. First, I am amazing.

    Second, you need to hop onto one of those Vespas... they are too abundant to not take advantage of.

    Miss You,
