Le Bonne Vie

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Laundry Day

Clothes are successfully washed and drying in the Medeterranian Air

Press the button that looks good and hope for the best

Middle is closed and the laundry detergent is in

The middle is open and the cloths are in
The top is open, now to actually get the middle is another task
The washer: Its the one in the middle, roughly a foot in half wide!
It is funny how we take for granted our every day routines. Going to Starbucks for coffee (in my case Grande Soy Chai Latte), driving to work, watching your favorite tv shows, taking a shower, or even your daily/weekly chores. The other day I found that it was time for me to do laundry. I imagined that it should be simple enough, I do this at least on a weekly basis at home how hard can it be? I already was forewarned that there would not be a dryer and I would have to hang my clothes; that did not concern me. I got my clothes ready and went to the washer in my kitchen and honestly had no idea what to do. How do I open it? What buttons to a press?  Where do I put in the laundry detergent? Do I use laundry detergent? To make a long story short, I did accomplish washing and hang drying my clothes while documenting it in the process. It is the little things in life that make me proud!

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