Le Bonne Vie

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Le Quatorez Juillet!

Happy Bastille Day! Le Quartorez Juillet! La Fete Nationale!
Today is Bastille Day, which falls on July 14th. It is a celebration of the anniversary of storming the Bastille fortress; which is seen as a symbol for the nation and a day when the French people regained their country during the French Revolution. I am working today (I had yesterday off and spent the day traveling to villages throughout the South of France… simply wonderful!), I will be celebrating by spending sometime at the beach and getting some much needed emails and projects done for work. This evening though I hear that there will be fireworks in the harbor. Since I missed the 4th of July and was unable to celebrate as a American, I definitely plan on celebrating my distant French lineage and enjoy the fireworks show! Le Quartorez Juillet!  

Rue Montorgueil, Claude Monet

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