Le Bonne Vie

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Home and Packing

Hi Friends and Family. After about 30 hours of traveling, I am home in beautiful Southern California (there is no where else I would rather be!). I have unpacked, slept, hung out with friends and family, and finally caught up on Friday Night Lights (seriously one of the best television shows ever!). I am now repacking for a week long work retreat in the 115 F degree, heat of Palm Springs. I cant wait to be back home in a week to finally get to settle back down into my "normal" life. During this next week my blog posts may be few and far between, but make sure to check back ever so often as I do plan to continue to blog!

1 comment:

  1. So stoked you are home, can't wait for you to stay for a while, haha.
