Le Bonne Vie

Friday, July 22, 2011

Le Festival International du Film de Cannes

The International Cannes Film Festival, put Cannes on the map for many of us. In the month of May it is quite difficult to avoid hearing/reading something about the festival whether its live coverage on the red carpet while watching E! or the Soup making fun of the live coverage or while flipping through the pages of People or Us Weekly to see "who they were wearing." Which is excatly all I really knew about Cannes, that and pictures of Leonardo DiCapro with Blake Lively on Steven Speilberg's yacht, where pretty much the last things that I read about Cannes before arriving here. I decided I needed to find out a little more substance of the film festival and less from the pictures of Us Weekly, I read/look at while at the gym. I found out that the film festival began in 1946 and Cannes was chosen because of its beautiful location. The festival didnt really reach popularity until the 1950's when actors and actresses such as Cary Grant, Sophia Lauren, and Grace Kelly, to name a few started attending. Now the festival has reached quite a critical aclaim, it is difficult to get a film into the festival and then you face the critiques who review and judge your film. It sounds like a glamorous time in Cannes of wealth and celebrity. Although, I arrived a month after the festival ended I did get find where the festival is now held and imagined what it would be like with red carpets and paparrazi, instead of the tourists and locales walking around in bathing suites.
My favorite actress as a child thanks to The Sound of Music!
I still think she is quite wonderful!

Where the festival is held, red carpet and all

The Casino
(attached to the Palace)

Looking down on the Harbor and the Palace where the festival is held

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